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Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) must be provided, when under Clause 227(1) of the OHS Regulation 2001:

  • Construction work is undertaken and the cost of the work exceeds $250,000; or
  • High risk construction work is undertaken and the cost of the work does not exceed $250,000; or
  • Demolition work or asbestos removal work for which a licence is required under Chapter 10 to carry on the business of that work is undertaken (regardless of the cost of the work). (Clause 317of the OHS Regulation 2001 outlines definitions of licensed work).
Clause 227(2) of the OHS Regulation 2001 outlines the requirement for subcontractors to provide safe work method statements to the principal contractor before commencing work.

Clause 227(3) of the OHS Regulation 2001 outlines the requirement for principal contractors to ensure subcontractors comply with the provided SWMS, and where they do not comply, take action to ensure compliance or direct work to stop until they can comply.

Where there are no subcontractors, the principal contractor must:
  • Undertake a risk assessment and prepare a written SWMS for the work; and
  • Maintain and keep up to date the statement; and
  • Ensure the work is carried out in accordance with the statement; and
  • If a risk to the health or safety of a person arises because of non-compliance with the statement, ensure that work is stopped immediately and not resumed until the statement is complied with (unless an immediate cessation of work is likely to increase the risk to health and safety, in which event the principal contractor must stop the work as soon as it is safe to do so).
Download Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)